Welcome to Charmed by Christine Portraits

Hi! My name is Christine Norman and I specialize in producing realistic People and Pet Portraits.

I hope you enjoy viewing my artwork and will be back to visit again soon!

If you'd like to order an original portrait of your own, or to give to that special someone, please contact me via the Contact Me link to the right of this page or by phone at (709) 730-0906.

Slideshow of My Recent Work


Monday, January 23, 2012

Preview the 2012 Calendar

CLICK on the LINK below:

2012 Charmed by Christine Portraits CALENDAR

This gorgeous calendar is available for $20. There are only a couple of them left, so if you're interested, don't delay. Yes, it's March... so what?! Art is eternal, isn't it? lol... :D

My "plan" is to include my 2012 portraits in a calendar for 2013!! If you want a calendar with only "your" portrait at the top, you'll have to let me know so that I can arrange for the portrait to be scanned for printing purposes.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Charmed by Christine Portraits 2012 CALENDAR coming soon!

I'm putting out a 2012 Charmed by Christine Portraits Calendar, available here and on Facebook, or through my e-mail. The cost will be $30.oo.

I've just ordered a handful of them and am expecting them to arrive sometime in the next week. My plan is to take a photo of the pages and post them in a slideshow on this Blog. You'll be able to get a look at it and decide how many you want to order! lol... (I'm only half kidding)

Yes, I know it's a bit delayed, but it's a beautiful calendar, and I'm sure you'll enjoy having it on your wall. It's not going to be available for very long, as it is nearly the end of January, but if a special request came in later in the year I'll oblige you by ordering it, but it will have to reflect the higher cost of ordering it in ones and twos. 

Next year's calendar will be put out earlier, and I'll be taking orders ahead of time. The 2013 Calendar will feature portraits done throughout 2012! If you're one of my customers, please keep that in mind for gift-giving ideas! 

As they are going to include Christmas portraits, they will not be available until just after Christmas. My apologies, but that's the way it is in this business!

I'm considering other ideas featuring my artwork, so if something comes along that piques your interest and you'd like me to consider it, PLEASE contact me! I'd love to hear your ideas. I'm thinking about selling reproductions of some of my own pieces, and I'd like to hear which ones are your favourites!

I'm hoping to get involved with the very popular Etsie store this year, and I'm not sure what that's going to be like. Any input from my fans would be appreciated.

Don't be shy. Contact me, either by commenting below, or e-mailing me directly. 

~ Christine

Brand New Look!!!

You can now view my body of work using the Slideshow at the top of this Blog! 

The Contact Me button is easily positioned at the right-hand side of the screen, which is where it STAYS no matter WHERE you look!

If you want to find out a bit about me, you can still do so by peeking at the "About me" section on the right... or not!

I'm hoping to make further upgrades to my Blog over the next months.

~ Christine

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Christmas is done, and WOW... was I busy!

I've already posted the finished drawings on my Facebook Page and my Website, but I thought I'd post a few of my progress pictures for anybody who's interested in seeing how things progressed.

This is Sophie

Sophie is a West Highland White Terrier. A Westie.

She's wearing a spiffy Christmas ribbon in front of a Christmas tree filled with twinkling lights,  Christmas balls, and a garland of netting.

Here's another piece.


He's a beautiful caramel-coloured Shih-Tzu

I think he's gorgeous!

Here's another piece:


He passed away a few years ago
And here's his good buddy,  Buster:

They're a beautiful pair

And one last piece I'm going to show you:

This is Cohen, out in Trinity

Cohen is a Portuguese Water Dog. :D (Yes, like the one that the Obama family owns)

Here's a close-up of his collar

I had fun working out his eye in all that gorgeous shaggy fur. 

Isn't he gorgeous?!

This is is the original photograph that I worked from. The person who commissioned the portrait provided a few photographs for me to work from. I took a couple of extras of Cohen so that I could get the details just right. 

Well, that's it for now. I refuse to post anymore when supper is waiting for me. (somebody else is cooking!) 

I hope you enjoy taking a quick peek at what I've been doing, and thank you for following along. I hope that this brand new year brings me many more meetings with many more people. 

Happy 2012!!!