Welcome to Charmed by Christine Portraits

Hi! My name is Christine Norman and I specialize in producing realistic People and Pet Portraits.

I hope you enjoy viewing my artwork and will be back to visit again soon!

If you'd like to order an original portrait of your own, or to give to that special someone, please contact me via the Contact Me link to the right of this page or by phone at (709) 730-0906.

Slideshow of My Recent Work


Monday, March 21, 2011

Why did the turkeys cross the road?

Because that's where the chickens are hanging out. Our neighbours have turkeys, and every year there are more of them. The baby turkeys are seriously the cutest things I've ever seen. Unlike baby chickens, they are sturdy little things with solid legs. They grow fast, too! From fluffy little bundles you'd love to see in an Easter basket, to funny-looking creatures that remind me of the old Marvin the Martian cartoons, and then to regal adulthood. The wild ones are the prettiest, to my mind, with their grey and black feathers tipped with iridescence. The domestics are their plain cousins, I suppose. The chicks (or is that "turks?") in this painting are now cross-bred as a result of a new tom turkey. There's some domestic in that boy's background! Yellow chicks are NOT a common sight in our neighbourhood. 

This painting is an oil on canvas, and is only in its beginning stages. Much more to do! Patience is required to work this stuff. It takes forever to dry (smells bad, too!), and since I'm using water-soluble oil paints, they move differently. I didn't buy a huge variety of colours, as I'm not sure how much work I'll be doing with this medium. It's a start, but wow... what pink legs the big girl has! I'll be toning that down somewhat with the next layer. :D

1 comment:

  1. It just occurred to me that it looks like Mama Turkey and the little turklings are strolling alongside the ocean. Maybe I could play that up. Surely more interesting than the grungy roadway that they were actually crossing. yes? no? ...
